In this present investigation, F4 progenies of three cross combinations of bitter gourd namely, P1 × P4 (MC105 × Pant karela-2), P2 × P4 (TCR471 × Pant karela-2), P3 × P6 (BBGS-09-1 × Arka Harit) and their respective parents P1 (MC105), P2 (TCR471), P3 (BBGS-09-1), P4 (Pant karela-2), and P5 (Arka Harit) were used to analyze the biochemical properties such as total soluble solids, protein content, ascorbic acid content, iron content, momordicine content and total chlorophyll content. The experiment with three cross combination was laid out in a randomized block design. The experiment revealed that the TSS was maximum in progeny P2 × P4 (2.52 ºbrix) while it was minimum in P1 × P4 (2.38 ºbrix). The maximum protein content (1.78%) was recorded in P2 × P4 while it was minimum (1.70%) in P1 × P4. The maximum ascorbic acid content (103.50 mg-100 g-1), iron content (2 mg/kg-1), momordicine content (1.98 mg-g-1) and total chlorophyll content (0.43 mg-100 g-1) was recorded in progeny P1 × P4.
Biochemical characters, Bitter gourd, Momordica charantia L., Parents, Progenies