Research Biotica, Volume 2, Issue 1 : 20-25. Doi : 10.54083/ResBio.2.1.2020.20-25
Review Article

Published on : 23-Mar-2020

Bioremediation of Waste Waters and Application in Aquaculture - A Mini Review

  • Debtanu Barman
  • Aqua Doctor Solutions, Kolkata, West Bengal (700 032), India


Aquaculture production has increased steadily in recent years and is the fastest growing food production sector and has become a valuable component of national development and poverty reduction plans in many areas of the world. Increased fish production is being achieved by the expansion of land and water under culture and the use of more intensive and modern farming technologies that involve higher usage of inputs such as water, feed, fertilizer and chemicals. As a result, aquaculture is now considered as a potential polluter of the aquatic environment. In this context, Bioremediation is most cost effective and environmental friendly treatment option for many environmental pollutants. Bioremediation consists of using living organisms (bacteria, fungi, actinomycetes, cyanobacteria and to a lesser extent, plants) to reduce or eliminate toxic pollutants. Wastes produced in aquaculture farms differ in quality and quantity of components depending on the species farmed and the farming practices adopted. The current approach to improving water quality in aquaculture is the application of microbes/enzymes to the ponds known as ‘bioremediation’. When macro and micro organisms and/or their products are used as additives to improve water quality, they are referred to as bioremediators or bioremediating agents. The newest attempt being made to improve water quality in aquaculture is the application of probiotics and enzymes to the ponds is known as bioremediation, which involves manipulation of microorganisms in ponds to enhance mineralization of organic matter and get rid of undesirable waste compounds.


Bioremediation, Aquaculture, Microorganisms, Waste Water

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