A field experiment was conducted in the field of Seed Technology Research Unit, MPKV, Rahuri during rabi season 2014-15 for the study of the effect of normal and late sowing, last cutting regimes and nutritional sprays at the time of flowering on the seed yield and quality attributes of Berseem (Trifolium alexandrinum L.). It was observed that the yield attributing characters viz., number of flowers plant-1 (41), number of seeds flower-1 (52), seed yield plot-1 (226 g), seed yield ha-1 (1.34 q) and days to 50% flowering (116) were significantly superior at normal sowing time i.e. 15th October, and with the last cut 10 days before normal last cut i.e. 18th Feb. and nutritional sprays of KNO3 @ 2% and Borax @ 100 ppm (separate spray) at the reproductive stage over the other treatment combinations. Similarly, seed quality parameters viz., germination (94.00%) was significantly superior in the same treatment combination. For higher seed yield and quality seed production in Maharashtra sowing at normal sowing time i.e. 15th October last cut 10 days before normal last cut i.e. 18th Feb. and nutritional sprays of KNO3 @ 2% and Borax @ 100 ppm (separate spray) at the reproductive stage.
Last cut, Nutritional spray, Seed germination, Seed yield, Sowing time, Vigour index