Research Biotica, Volume 6, Issue 1 : 28-32. Doi : 10.54083/ResBio/6.1.2024/28-32
Research Article

Published on : 21-Mar-2024

Effectiveness of Abundance and Distribution of Benthos in Aquatic Ecosystem

  • Shuvrodeb Biswas
  • Fisheries and Marine Resource Technology Discipline, Khulna University, Khulna (9208), Bangladesh
  • Mohua Chakrabarty
  • Physics Discipline, Khulna University of Engineering and Technology (KUET), Khulna (9208), Bangladesh
  • Bijan Mallick
  • Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, GIMT and Research Associate, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, West Bengal (700 032), India


Benthic organisms have a great ecological impact in any aquatic ecosystem. The study was done at Rush River under Khulna region, Bangladesh to enhance the effectiveness of abundance for aquatic eco-system. The study was conducted at two different stations such as fresh area and processing plan area of Rush River from July to December of last three years. The investigation was connected with different months, the abundance-distribution of benthos varied and effects of pH on salinity and alkalinity of the river water has been propounded in this article to enhance ecosystem of benthos living. Arthropods were also found in relatively low in number both the fresh and polluted area relatively to the Mollusks. The Mollusks distribution increases up to 77% from June to October in Fresh area but at Polluted area, it reduces 28% than fresh area. Annelid at June-September and October is same but on July-August it’s become higher at both type of water. Arthropods reduce 33.3% from June to October in Fresh area but in polluted area it is very rare.


Aquatic-Environment, Benthos, Eco-system, Micro- and Macro-organisms

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