Research Biotica, Volume 4, Issue 3 : 119-123. Doi : 10.54083/ResBio/4.3.2022/119-123
Research Article

Published on : 09-Aug-2022

The Physio-Morphic Characters of Different Okra Germplasm and their Relationship with the Population Dynamics of Okra Leafhopper, Amrasca biguttula biguttula (Ishida)

  • K.P. Manju
  • Dept. of Agricultural Entomology, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kannur, Kerala Agricultural University, Kerala (670 142), India


The reactions of twenty five (25) accessions of okra were evaluated under field conditions against Leafhopper, Amrasca biguttula biguttula. The experiment was conducted at NBPGR, regional station Hyderabad. Among twenty five germplasm (25) screened against the okra leafhopper, IC344596 recorded significantly lowest leafhopper population which was followed by RJR-124, PSRJ12952, NIC 9402 and IC433667. PSRJ 13040 and RJR-193 recorded high population of leafhopper. RJR-124, PSRJ12952 and IC344596 recorded significantly highest number of trichomes of 57.00, 47.67 and 42.33 trichomes m-2, respectively. RJR-193 and PSRJ 13040 recorded significantly less number of trichomes (10.33 m-2). Correlation between okra leafhopper and the various yield and growth parameters of okra accessions revealed highly significant and negative correlation for yield, number of pods and significant positive correlation with plant height while non-significant correlation recorded with pod length.


Accessions, Amrasca biguttula biguttula, Okra germplasm, Trichome density

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